Books, Movies + More
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Access over 3 million books, DVDs, audiobooks, CDs, magazines, and more through the Mid-Hudson Library System.
Read + Watch Online
Overdrive eBooks and Downloadable Audiobooks
Access the Library’s Overdrive eBook, Downloadable Audiobook, and Digital Magazine collections online or by downloading the Libby app on your smartphone or tablet.
Libby Support and Tutorials
Overdrive Support and Tutorials
Hoopla eBooks, Audiobooks, and Streaming Video
Starting in December 2020! DFPL Patrons can read, watch, and listen to more than 950,000 eBooks, audiobooks, comics, movies, music, or television titles. You can sign up for hoopla with your library card at and download the hoopla app from the app store.
Kanopy Streaming Video Collection
Philipstown residents can check out more than 30,000 of the world’s best films, including award-winning documentaries, rare and hard-to-find titles, film festival favorites, indie and classic films, and world cinema with collections from Criterion, Kino Lorber, Music Box Films, Samuel Goldwyn, The Orchard, The Great Courses, PBS, and thousands of independent filmmakers.
Kanopy for Kids
Enriching, educational, and entertaining films and TV series, including PBS shows and language tutorials – curated just for kids.
Can’t find an item?
Request items through Inter-Library loan.
The Library has access to some titles in local academic and special library collections through our partnership with the Southeastern Access to Libraries consortium. Depending on the item, we may also be able to borrow from nationwide collections through the Mid-Hudson Library System.
To request an item that you cannot find in our catalog, please visit or contact the circulation desk at 845-424-3020 or email
The Desmond-Fish Public Library offers a wide variety of print materials, media, digital collections and public to fulfill our mission and promote the enjoyment of reading, greater cultural understanding, lifelong learning, and civic engagement. The library’s investment in collections and programs recognizes that people learn in many different ways and that diverse collections and programming enables the library to reach new audiences.
Our collections and programs reflect the community we serve and are informed by your interests and ideas!
We want to hear from you! Please share your suggestions for collection materials and future programs through the Library’s !