For Teens

Special Events


Preschool Storytime

Desmond-Fish Public Library

Stop by the library for stories, songs, rhymes, and felt board activities! For ages 2-5 years. Due to the increasing popularity of this program, registration is now requested. Registration opens […]

PAAH: How to Avoid Scams & Identity Theft (rescheduled)

Desmond-Fish Public Library

***This program was originally scheduled for 2/6/25 and was postponed due to weather. Scammers are getting craftier, and sometimes scams are hard to identify. The library is here to help! […]

Events For Teens

New: Comics Plus

Comics Plus is a digital platform offering thousands of digital comics, graphic novels, and manga to readers, exclusively through school, public, and academic libraries.

Use this link for access to the teen catalog!

New + Recommended


Make Something!

Crafting With Beth

Visit the Innovation & Learning Center

Visit our full-service makerlab! With everything from a recording studio to 3D printers, a virtual reality interface to video recording and editing equipment, a coding suite to robotics workshop and more, there’s everything you need to make or code whatever you can dream of.

News + Updates

Homework Help & Learning

Need help with your homework, research for a project, help preparing for a test, or just want the answer to that perplexing question? We’re here to help! Check out our Research & Learn page for even more resources.

Suicide, Substance Abuse, & Mental Health Resources

Philipstown HUB
Suicide prevention resources for teens | Suicide Prevention Resource Center
Suicide Prevention
National Helpline

Poverty and Housing/Food Insecurity Resources

Hudson River Housing
Regional Food Bank
Green Chimneys Youth & Family Services

Digital Citizenship, Deradicalization, & Online Safety Resources

 Innovation & Learning Center

Need something else?

Our librarians are ready to help, without judgement or questions. Email us, call us at 845-424-3020, or visit the Library, and we can help you get the help or information you need.