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“Garrison Ferry, West Point.” The New York Public Library Digital Collections. 1850 – 1930.

The Library has an extensive print and artwork collection related to the local history of Garrison, Philipstown, and the Hudson Valley. For information on booking an appointment for research guidance and access to some of our non-circulating collection, please email or call 845-424-3020.

To access some of our digitized local history materials, check out our Online Guide to Local History Resources linked below.

Talking Book + Braille Library

The New York State Talking Book and Braille Library (TBBL) is a free lending library available to individuals living in the Hudson Valley, who have difficulty reading standard print due to a visual impairment, a physical disability, or a reading disability. While TBBL’s mail service is temporarily on hold, we recommend library patrons register for the free downloading service called Braille and Audio Reading Download (BARD).

What is BARD?

BARD is a free web-based service from the National Library Service that provides immediate access to audio and electronic braille books, magazines, and music scores. Thousands of resources are accessible any time of the day. With BARD, there are no waitlists and no books to return.

Reading materials can be downloaded through the BARD Mobile app which is available for iOS and Android devices. TBBL patrons may also download titles through the BARD website and read using a TBBL digital talking book player or third party player.

Apply for BARD

  • First, apply for TBBL service – To qualify for BARD, you must first be a TBBL patron. If you are not a TBBL member, please complete and submit an application for TBBL service. Please note that in cases of blindness, visual impairment, or physical limitations, a library staff member may serve as “competent authority” to certify a patron’s application.
  • Current TBBL Patrons May Apply for BARD – Please complete the short online application found here for access to BARD:

BARD applications will be approved as quickly as possible. New BARD members receive login information and directions for downloading after registration. Please visit the New York State Library website to learn more about TBBL service.