As most users of email addresses will know, Google will cease providing free access to legacy G-Suite accounts like the Highlands Chain, offering the choice to either move to a paid service (which the Highlands Chain has declined to do) or end the service, forcing users to migrate their data to a new account. Although a narrow pathway to the continued use of these accounts has been developed by Google, the administrator of the email address does not believe this pathway is appropriate for Highlands users, and has elected not to enable this option.
As such, all Highlands users must now create new email addresses, and migrate all the data and accounts that they wish to retain over to the new email address. Any data remaining on the email, and all accounts with third-party websites that have the email as the contact address, will be inaccessible for users after the account is deleted on June 30, 2022.
In order to assist Highlands users, the DFPL will host this series of workshops for patrons to migrate to their new email addresses in a guided, group setting. For those who cannot make one of the workshops, we will be producing a video guide to walk users through the process. Unfortunately, because of the volume of need and our limited staffing, we cannot accommodate individual appointments for this issue. Additionally, Ryan Biracree, our Digital Services Librarian, may be unavailable the week of June 21-24, fulfilling jury service. If possible, a trained librarian or volunteer will be available to help with requests for migration assistance or signing up for events.
Please note: each of these sessions covers the same material. To ensure everyone has access to a spot in the programs, we ask that you please sign up for one session.